Doja Cat // Paint The Town Red // Get It Here //
Directors: Doja Cat and Nina McNeely
Based on Paintings by Doja Cat
Production Company: Freenjoy
Produced by Nathan Scherrer, Fabien Colas, Malcolm Duncan
Label Producer: Sam Houston
DP: Tehillah De Castro
PD: Nu California
Styling/Creative Director: Brett Alan Nelson
SFX Make Up: Malina Stearns
Make Up: Ernesto Casillas
Hair: JStayReady
Nails: Saccia Trinice
1st AD: Robert Thoren
PM: Andres White
Gaffer: Eddie Reid
Key Grip: Kyle Pugsley
Casting Director: Sarah May Levy
Edit: Mah Ferraz @ Cut and Run
VFX: SuperContinent
Color: Dante Pasquinelli @ Ethos Studio
Beauty: Sunset Edit
Grim Reaper: Jhan Mena
Blue Horned Father: Donna Brian
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Its time for a Blippi painting giveaway while learning colors. Blippi paints a beautiful original art piece to learn colors for children. Not only will your child learn colors with Blippi but he is giving away this one of a kind painting! Subscribe to Blippi at
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