***Free Trigger Point Course: https://www.muscle-joint-pain.com/online-courses/fundamentals-of-self-treatment-registration/
In this video I will show you how to relieve headaches. In this case, headaches in the back of the head.
Often these pains are initiated by tensions, trigger points and myofascial adhesions.
The muscular problems can be relieved by a self myodascial release. In this video I will show you how this is done.
Part II: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_ordDAMYXM
▼*** My recommendations for massagers ***▼
You cannot go wrong with any of these. They are all high quality and amazing tools.
► Trigger Fairy
*** Neck and shoulder massager made in Germany: Very effective!! https://www.amazon.co.uk/TriggerFairy%C2%AE-Massager-myofascial-adhesions-MassageFee%C2%AE/dp/B015QW43EK/ref=sr_1_2_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1504611478&sr=8-2&keywords=triggerfairy&th=1
Today I am painting Easy Abstract Floral Painting “Floral Fantasy” for beginners from Project 100 days / Day #97 using acrylic paints from BRUSTRO .
I am so happy to share with you all my association with Brustro. Now I am officially a brand ambassador of BRUSTRO product. They have great range of art products such as acrylic paints (heavybody, softbody and fluid) and wide range of brushes and tools. Now onwards all my paintings will be done using BRUSTRO products. You can buy them at ……
Now you can purchase my first WORKSHOP VIDEO VOLUME – 1
More women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer may be able to forego chemotherapy without risking their chances for survival, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Find out more: https://www.muhealth.org/our-stories/more-breast-cancer-patients-could-avoid-chemo-major-study-finds
Because Maureen’s cancer was found early, she was a candidate for a type of treatment called SAVI, which delivers radiation to the tumor site through small, flexible tubes. SAVI is finished in just five days, compared to weeks with other types of radiation treatment.
Maureen shares her experience at Sharp Chula Vista’s Barnhart Cancer Center and offers important advice for women over 40: Don’t put off getting your mammogram.
For more information about mammography or cancer care at Sharp, visit https://www.sharp.com/services/cancer/index.cfm.
Visit our website: https://www.sharp.com
Find a doctor at Sharp: https://www.sharp.com/san-diego-doctors/
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As a person living with chronic pain you may find yourself thinking about difficult questions about the meaning of your pain and suffering:
-Why am I having to deal with all this pain?
-Am I being punished?
-What’s the point of living if I must put up with pain and suffering for the rest of my life?
These questions can be tied to even more fundamental questions about meaning that have been traditionally addressed by religion & spirituality — some call them ‘questions of ultimate meaning’:
-Does our existence have any inherent meaning?
-Why is there such suffering in this life?
-Is this the only life we live, or are there past lives and futures ones?
-Is there life after death? Is there a higher power? (Or to paraphrase Shakespeare) Is there a divinity that shapes our ends?
-If there is a higher power, a caring universe, or a loving god, why don’t they seem to care about me?
This is NOT a webinar about religion. In this two-part series, we will explore the innate spirituality of everyday life, how that may have changed since you began living with chronic pain, and how you may want to reframe your concept of spirituality going forward. Everyone is invited. No one is excluded. No spirituality is ‘better’ than another. This webinar series, in addition to trying to answer the questions mentioned above, also asks two important questions of relevance to spirituality & chronic pain: “What story do you live in?” And “how does the story you live in help you to live better with your pain?”
Our presenter, Wesley Buch, was an ordained minister and is currently a registered psychologist who practices in the area of clinical and rehabilitation psychology. Wes is also currently on the ordination track for United Church of Canada.
Prof’ Reis is one of the leading orthopedic surgeons in Israel. In this short video, prof’ Reis shares with us his thoughts and experience with the B-Cure laser, Soft laser device for treatment of pain
For more information : http://bcurelaser.co.il/landing/l/1016/youtube/ Video Rating: / 5
Vitamins are a popularly advocated requirement for the human body and the water soluble ones are crucial players. Watch this video to understand the “What and Why” of vitamin B complex and its testing by Thyrocare Technologies Limited.
We all know it is our DNA which makes us….which gives the how’s and why’s of our being! Cytogenetics is a diagnostic tool, which can help us understand problems at the molecular level. Watch this video to understand what is cytogenetics/karyotyping and why should anyone get tested?
For more information visit – http://www.thyrocare.com
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Click to share: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJfcbgM4DB4
Disidentification (The Practice of Non-Attachment)
How to Heal the Emotional Body
No one wakes up in the morning and says, “my goal is to have a really painful day”. Most people spend literally their whole life trying to escape and avoid pain. Take a look at our lives. While there are some things we do specifically because we are following our joy, the bulk of things we do in our life, we do specifically to avoid and escape pain. This dysfunctional relationship with pain, does not serve us. In this episode, Teal explains the meaning of pain and helps us to improve our relationship with it.
Subscribe to Receive a New Video Every Saturday: http://bit.ly/SubTealSwan
If you are in a crisis or if you or any other person may be feeling suicidal or in danger the following resources can provide you with immediate help: https://thecompletionprocess.com/get-help-now/
Teal Swan is a revolutionary for personal transformation and is one of The Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the world. As a renowned author, speaker and social media star, she travels the world teaching self-development and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.
Meditations, Books, Merchandise & Frequency Paintings:
Beginning Song:
Kuan Yin’s Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel
Please note that I do not respond to posts from this site. Please promptly reach out to a mental health practitioner near you discuss treatment options. My teachings on the subject of suicide are meant to supplement your treatment with a mental health practitioner and should not be in lieu of such treatment. The information contained on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for such professional medical or mental health advice. Always seek the advice of your own licensed and qualified medical and mental health professionals. The information provided in this site and in my videos should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any mental health condition. A licensed physician, psychologist, and/or mental health provider should be consulted for a diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical and mental health conditions. Please immediately call your physician, mental health professional or 911 for all emergencies.
NXL Las Vegas Paintball | Dynasty vs. LA Ironmen and Revo vs.Thunder – 2019
More Episodes: http://bit.ly/2kWW5CY
Videos and More: http://gosports.com
Follow Gosports on Instagram: http://instagram.com/Gosportslive/
Follow Gosports on Facebook: http://facebook.com/GoSportsLive/ Video Rating: / 5
The best paintball fails and funny moments. Epic paintball gameplay always comes with it’s fair share of fails. Don’t take the paintball wars so seriously; this isn’t airsoft! Just sit back and enjoy these funny moments, bloopers, mistakes and epic fails. AVF has nothing on this!
Submit your own paintball fails here: http://bit.ly/Paintball-Fails
All of the footage contained in this video was either filmed with my own personal action cameras or was sent in to be used in these paintball compilation videos between 1/JAN/2017 – 01/DEC/2019
My apologies to those who have submitted their clips for this video, I no longer have the links to your channels. As this is a reuploaded video with some added commentary after YouTube forced me to take down the original one. I had no plan of re-uploading this originally; so I never copied the original video description before deleting the video.
📞 Let’s Talk:
⏩ Join My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/85N4XrY
⏩ Join me LIVE on TWITCH – https://www.Twitch.tv/Nightmare_PB
LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this vid!! Hey everyone, Luktorce here. Well my Limbo Prime finally had his pink cyst pop up so I thought I’d do a video looking at what the Cyst is, how you get it, if it’s possible to get rid of it and if there’s actually having any benefit to it in the first place.
Let me know in the comments section your adventures in dealing with the pink cysts and some of the reactions you might of heard from others.
Remember to subscribe to my channel if you’re liking the content I’m putting up and a huge thanks for everyone for watching these vids. Have a good one and see you in Warframe, cheers…
UPDATE: As of PC Update 27.4, the following has changed for when you can pop that disgusting pink cyst – “Helminth Cysts can now be removed in the Helminth Infirmary after one day as opposed to waiting a whole week.”
A huge thanks to the wonderful people at Partners in Rhyme who have a great range of music loops which they offer as royalty free. If you need great music loops for your vids, you can check them out here – https://www.partnersinrhyme.com/pir/free_music_loops.shtml