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Painting an Entire Outfit (Pt. 1)

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Hey guys! Today I am going to paint an entire outfit!! I’ve painted on shoes, painted a jean jacket, painted on shirts on separate occasions, but today I am going to paint a FULL outfit at once to create a completely custom outfit. I have had so much fun in the past painting on that denim jacket and customizing my shoes, I was really excited to painting on my clothes. This was a super fun customization project.
If you’ve never tried painting on clothes you should! There’s some tiktok painting on clothes videos if you need more inspiration. It’s a great ay to up cycle old clothes, or just have fun decorating things. Greaat art project idea for when you’re bored at home.
I am using fabric paint and leather paint on all of these items. These paints are flexible so that paint doesn’t crack when you wear the clothes.
If you stuck around to the end, you will already know that I am going to have to save the jean jacket for next week. I thought I would be able to paint the entire outfit in one video, but it turned out to be much more time consuming of an art project than I thought. I didn’t want to rush through the jean jacket, since I have a really cool plan for it. I hope you don’t mind waiting for part 2, and I hope to see you here next week 😃

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Hey! my name is Moriah (pronounced muh-rye-yuh 😂 ) and this is my channel….obviously. I’m 25 and like doing anything creative…and being snarky…..just a lil. I make a lot of decorating and painting videos here. I’m obsessed with editing and adding lil bits to my videos, so if that’s not your thing….oof you may hate this haha. I paint on squishies, thrift store finds, and other random things I pick up. I also love to draw, but don’t expect anything too skilled, I’m not the best at that haha. You will also find occasional crafting/testing crafting kits on my channel which are always a hot mess. And even some baking (REALLY bad at that, but it’s fun to try LOL).

Squishy Makeovers: Fixing and decorating used squishies sent from my viewers
Thrift Store Makeovers: Fixing and decorating stuff I find at thrift stores/yard sales
Bake With ME: Recreating squishies I’ve decorated in real life
Create This Book: Drawing in the prompt book that I wrote (available to purchase and follow along)
Squishy Unboxing: Opening used squishy packages sent from viewers
Craft Kit Testing: pretty self explanatory. testing craft kits.


Every Friday at 4:00pm ET: Alternating Squishy Makeovers, Thrift Makeovers, Craft Kit Reviews, Create This Book, Mail Openings and Miscellaneous crafts and DIYs




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EMAIL PICTURES OF YOUR ART (Create This Book or Fan art only please):


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For sending squishies, Letters, or general fan mail, please contact: FANMAIL@MORIAH.VIDEO to request my P.O. box address
(must be 13+ to send mail)
ATTENTION: Unfortunately I can only respond to a small amount of people each week. This is to make sure that I get a reasonable amount of mail and can feature the maximum amount on camera. I apologize in advance if you do not hear back from me, I may not have even seen the message. This email gets SUPER clogged with thousands of messages. Currently have 15,000+ unread messages just in this folder. SORRY PEEPS!*
Video Rating: / 5

Mayo Clinic Minute: 5 tips for constipation alleviation without medication

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Mayo Clinic Minute: 5 tips for constipation alleviation without medication

Constipation is common, and it can be uncomfortable. Everyone gets stopped up now and then, and some go running for the laxatives. But there are ways to get things moving again without medication.

In this Mayo Clinic Minute, physical therapist Laura Meihofer has five tips on how to conquer constipation without medication. Vivien Williams reports.

More health and medical news on the Mayo Clinic News Network
Video Rating: / 5

Vlogul Durerii B-Cure Laser – 5 motive sa NU cumperi aparatul

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Intr-adevar, B-Cure Laser reprezinta o afacere. Dar este una diferita fata de sensul conventional al cuvantului, scopul ei principal fiind dorinta de a ajuta oamenii sa scape de dureri. Totusi, dispozitivul nostru medical nu este pentru oricine, deoarece trebuie – in principal – sa ai deschidere la tratamente moderne si inovatoare.

In cele ce urmeaza, voi prezenta 5 tipologii de pacienti care, din punctul meu de vedere, nu vor putea niciodata sa includa B-Cure Laser in procesul de tratare a durerilor. Nu pentru ca aparatul n-ar functiona, ci mai degraba din cauza preconceptiilor.

1. Pacientii B-Cure Laser nu prefera „procedurile” (min. 0:30)
2. Nu dorim sa ne imbogatim, ci sa ajutam oamenii suferinzi (min. 1:49)
3. De ce pretul B-Cure Laser nu este mai mic? (min. 3:30)
4. Problema mea este atat de grava incat nimic nu ma poate salva (min. 5:15)
5. Da-ti cu parerea dupa ce cumperi aparatul (min. 6:10)
BONUS: Iti place atentia? Atunci nu cumpara B-Cure Laser, ci ramai cu durerea (min. 8:19)


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8 Best Cold Laser Therapy Devices 2019

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Disclaimer: These choices may be out of date. You need to go to to see the most recent updates to the list.

Our complete review, including our selection for the year’s best cold laser therapy device, is exclusively available on Ezvid Wiki.

Cold laser therapy devices included in this wiki include the renewal technologies touch one, lasertrx infrared, lumina group tendlite, proaller low level, mademax red light, auspa massager, hd-max hand-held, and terraquant tq solo.

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Pain Meaning

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Video shows what pain means. An ache or bodily suffering, or an instance of this; an unpleasant sensation, resulting from a derangement of functions, disease, or injury by violence; hurt.. The condition or fact of suffering or anguish especially mental, as opposed to pleasure; torment; distress; sadness; grief; solicitude; disquietude.. An annoying person or thing.. pain synonyms: Wikisaurus:pain, pest. pain pronunciation. How to pronounce, definition by Wiktionary dictionary. pain meaning. Powered by MaryTTS

Pain and suffering can be powerful teachers. When mixed with bravery, they can unlock the secret to an incredible life. For Katie Mazurek, an aggressive stage 3 breast cancer diagnoses at age 33 was the opportunity of a lifetime. Her pursuit of love, courage, connection and vulnerability shine in her moving narrative told alongside stunning portraits that chronicle her battle.

Katie Mazurek is a charismatic and dynamic speaker whose battle with Stage III breast cancer sets the tone for an authentic and deeply relatable presentation. Mazurek is a Collaborative family law attorney in Bozeman, Montana who founded her firm, Element Law Group, four days prior to her diagnosis. She is the mother of two young children whom she raises with her husband, Tom Mazurek. Katie is a passionate writer and blogger who touches readers through personal stories of pain, triumph, loss, growth, and acceptance. Her blog,, has reached over 100,000 readers and she has been featured in print and television media for her accomplishments and inspirational lifestyle. She engages audiences by speaking with vulnerability, courage, and compassion for ourselves and others. She has created a community of love and support through her battle with cancer. Her work has been healing and restorative for many following her writing.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

What is occipital neuralgia? London Pain Clinic

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Occipital neuralgia is one of the most severe forms of nerve or neuropathic pain. You may experience severe headaches, feeling of a tight pulsating sensation over the head or severe stabbing and shooting pains over the top of the scalp.

As a consultant in pain medicine at the Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust in London and Medical Director of the London Pain Clinic , Dr Chris Jenner works daily with patients who suffer from some of the most common, painful and yet misunderstood conditions to affect people around the world today.

Alongside a raft of professional qualifications and more than 15 years’ experience in the specialised field of pain medicine, Dr Jenner possesses a true passion for his subject, a fact which is not only evident through his commitment to using the very best cutting-edge treatments, but also through his desire to understand the impact of acute and chronic pain on the everyday lives of his patients.

Dr Jenner’s experience in treating conditions such as spinal pain, fibromyalgia and arthritis has led him to become one of the leading authorities in his field. Using a holistic approach and a variety of treatments which typically combine medication with minimally-invasive pain management procedures, he works with his patients to restore a pain-free existence, higher levels of physical function and a vastly improved quality of life.
Dr Jenner has several published books on related conditions, you can purchase them from Amazon on the below Links.

Arthritis: A practical guide to getting on with your life (How to Self-Help Guide)
Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A self-help guide
Neck and Back Pain: A self-help guide (How to Self-Help Guide)

If this describes you, you may be suffering from occipital neuralgia. This painful condition occurs when the occipital nerve that runs from the base of your skull becomes injured, inflamed or irritated. If you suffer from osteoarthritis, diabetes or have had a head injury or cervical disc disease, you may also experience occipital neuralgia. Unfortunately, occipital neuralgia is often misdiagnosed as migraine or another type of headache due to the similarity of symptoms.

Occipital Neuralgia

Video Rating: / 5

Have scientists found the cure for cancer? – video explainer

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Scientists are claiming significant success in targeting a specific type of blood cancer with engineered immune cells in their first clinical trials.
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Among several dozen patients who would typically have only had months to live, early experimental trials that used the immune system’s T-cells to target cancers had ‘extraordinary results’. However, the availability of the treatment is still years away.

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Brigitta telling how the B-Cure Laser has changed her life

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B-Cure Laser
is the world’s first portable Low Level Laser medical device with the Healing Power of a clinic: For Acute and Chronic wound management, Orthopaedic problems, and to alleviate pain
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B-CURE LASER is the world’s first portable Low Level Laser medical device with the Healing Power of a clinic: For Acute and Chronic wound management, Orthopaedic problems and to alleviate pain.
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Symptoms of Stroke and Migraine | Cedars-Sinai

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Stroke is the fifth-leading cause of death in the U.S. and a leading cause of disability, according to the American Stroke Association.

To recognize symptoms, leading stroke experts recommend memorizing an easy-to-remember acronym:

Face (drooping of the face)
Arm (arm weakness)
Speech (slurred speech)
Time (time counts — call 911 immediately)

Cedars-Sinai has been designated a Comprehensive Stroke Center by The Joint Commission, an independent, not-for-profit organization that accredits and certifies nearly 21,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States.

This advanced certification for comprehensive stroke centers recognizes the significant resources in staff and training that these centers must have to treat complex stroke cases. Cedars-Sinai was proud to be among the first five hospitals in the nation, and the first in Southern California, to receive this designation.
Video Rating: / 5

B-Cure Laser Back Pain Treatment Demonstration : By Jenine Suanders

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B-Cure Laser  Back Pain Treatment Demonstration : By Jenine Suanders

For more information:

B-Cure Laser is a medical device for home use, clinically proven for the treatment of pain, orthopaedic problems, wounds and inflammation.
*If you suffer from chronic pain such as knee pain, back or neck pain, inflammation of the wrist, in the elbow or in the finger joints as well as if you suffer from hard to heal wounds such as diabetic or acute traumatic wounds, you can be helped by B-Cure Laser, in order to reduce inflammation, speed up healing, and achieve a higher quality of life.
*The whole family may use the device safely and enjoy its advantages.
Video Rating: / 5